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Italian Sausage & Beef Braciolas

Updated: Jul 12, 2022

I had so much fun making these Beef Bracioles this morning. I'm making them up a day before serving to introduce the ingredients to the Beef. After preparing, I wrapped them each up in Saran Wrap and rolled them nice and tight. So tomorrow, I will just have to sear them on all sides and then put them in my sauce and simmer them for about 4 hours. I did not include ingredients for the sauce but towards the end I did write how I made mine. I know a lot of people like their own sauce so I leave it to you to come up with your own pot of sauce or to use what I did.


1 1/2 Pounds Top Sirloin, Thin & Sliced

1/2 Cup Pine Nuts, Toasted

8 Cloves Garlic, Peeled & Diced

1/2 Tbsp Kosher Salt

2 Italian Hot Sausages

Small Box of Raisins

1 Cup Fresh Grated Parmesan Cheese

1/2 Cup Fresh Parsley, Chopped

1/2 Cup of Italian Bread Crumbs

Olive Oil

Small Box of Raisins

Salt & Pepper

Roasting String

Parchment Paper


The first thing you want to do is to get all of your ingredients separated in dishes. This will allow you to eye that you have enough for all four bracioles when you begin stuffing.

Put the garlic and the Kosher salt in a mortar and using your pestle, chop it up really well. If you don't have a pestle set, just use the back of a big knife and chop it up very fine.

Put the Pine Nuts in a small skillet and just toast them plain on medium heat for about 2 minutes. Watch them good because they can burn pretty fast.

Take the two Italian Sausages and remove and toss the casings and put the sausage in a small dish.

Grate your cheese and cut up the parsley. Put your bread crumbs in a small bowl. You now have all of your ingredients prepped and it is time to pound out the steaks.

I like to use parchment paper (you can use Saran Wrap too!!) because it is easiest to do it this way. Cut about a 14" piece of the paper and lay it down on your prep station. Take one steak and lay it on half of the paper and then fold the paper on top to cover. Using the flat side of your mallet, pound out the steak to flatten it. This will allow the steak to become wide enough to stuff.

Now remove the steak from your paper and lay it on a smooth surface. Take a quarter of the garlic mixture and rub it into the steak. Next take a quarter of your Sausage and space it out over the steak and press down.

Now add the bread crumbs to cover the steak. Add Salt and Pepper. Drizzle a little Olive Oil on top.

Next you add a quarter of your Pine Nuts, a quarter of your Parsley and a quarter of the grated cheese. Add a quarter of the raisins. Now you are ready to roll!!

Starting with the smallest end, start rolling the beef making sure it is nice and tight. Then tie it up with your string.

I did a little video to help you tie it up and as soon as I figure out how to post it I will. In the meantime, there is this good one to really learn how to tie on Youtube at

Once it is tied roll it up tight with saran wrap and begin the second one using the same system until they are all done. Refrigerate overnight or you can cook them right away.

I made a huge pot of sauce using onions, garlic and olive oil as a base. I cut up a couple of Italian sausage and sautéed them in pieces until brown. Then I added in the Braciolas and seared them on all sides.

Removed the meat and added in a can of paste and stirred it around. Added in a large can of whole tomatoes, Tomato Sauce and Tomato Puree. Then I returned the meat to the pot. Added in some fresh Parsley and some fresh Basil, dried Oregano, Salt & Pepper, a couple of pats of butter and a Tbsp of Sugar. Covered and this will simmer for 4 hours.


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